This component represents a charging icon, typically used to indicate charging status on the right side.


  • prop1: Description of prop1.
  • prop2: Description of prop2.


import { ChargingIconRight } from 'mycrumbs-uikit';

const props = {};

<ChargingIconRight prop1="value1" prop2="value2" />;
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import React from "react";

interface Props {
  className: any;

export const ChargingIconRight = ({ className }: Props): JSX.Element => {
  return (
    <div className={`relative w-[73px] h-[22px] ${className}`}>
      <div className="absolute w-[32px] h-[17px] top-[3px] left-[38px] bg-[#3f6d34] rounded-[7px]">
        <div className="absolute w-[25px] h-[17px] top-0 left-0 rounded-[7px_0px_0px_7px] [background:linear-gradient(180deg,rgb(141,252,99)_0%,rgb(151,245,180)_100%)]" />
        <div className="absolute w-[2px] h-[6px] top-[5px] left-[33px] bg-[#4a6940] rounded-[2px]" />
      <div className="absolute -top-px left-px [font-family:'SF_Pro_Text-Semibold',Helvetica] font-normal text-[#8deb92] text-[15px] text-right tracking-[0] leading-[22px] whitespace-nowrap">